Is Study Guide Worth It For The Cfp Exam?

Table of Contents

Are you considering taking the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) exam, but unsure if using a study guide is worth the investment? Many individuals find that using a study guide is a valuable tool in preparing for the exam.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of using a study guide, the cost and time commitment involved, the different types of study guides available, and how to assess the quality of study guides to determine which one is right for you.

When it comes to preparing for a challenging exam like the CFP, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. A study guide can provide structure and guidance, helping you focus your study efforts and identify areas where you need to improve.

It can also help you feel more confident and prepared on test day, increasing your chances of passing on the first try. However, it’s important to consider your personal learning style and the quality of the study guide before making a decision.

Keep reading to learn more about whether a study guide is worth it for the CFP exam.

Key Takeaways

  • Using a study guide for the CFP exam provides structure, identifies areas for improvement, and increases confidence on test day.
  • Factors to consider when choosing a study guide include cost, additional resources, reviews, author’s credentials, and personal learning style.
  • Other exam preparation options include printed materials, tutoring services, review courses, and study groups.
  • When evaluating study guide options, read reviews and consider authors with teaching experience in CFP courses and the CFP designation, as well as individual needs and preferences.

Benefits of Using a Study Guide for the CFP Exam

You’ll be amazed at how much easier the CFP exam feels when you have a study guide by your side, guiding you through the material like a trusty map on a treacherous journey.

The benefits of using a study guide for the CFP exam are numerous. First and foremost, it helps you stay organized and on track with your studies, ensuring that you cover all the necessary material before exam day.

Additionally, a study guide provides you with a clear understanding of what to expect on the exam, including the structure, format, and types of questions you’ll encounter. This knowledge allows you to approach the exam with confidence and ease, knowing that you’ve prepared yourself as thoroughly as possible.

Furthermore, a study guide can help you identify areas where you need to focus your attention, allowing you to maximize your study time and achieve better results on the exam.

Overall, the benefits of using a study guide for the CFP exam cannot be overstated, and it’s definitely worth the investment to ensure your success on this important exam.

Cost of Study Guides

The investment required for a study guide may be a significant factor to consider when preparing for the CFP exam. While the benefits of using a study guide are numerous, it’s important to weigh the cost against your overall budget and exam preparation plan.

Here are some points to consider when evaluating the cost of study guides:

  • Study guides can range in price from $50 to over $500, depending on the level of detail and support offered.
  • Some study guides may offer additional resources, such as online practice exams or access to a study community, which may justify a higher cost.
  • Consider the potential return on investment – passing the CFP exam can lead to a significant increase in earning potential, making the cost of a study guide a worthwhile investment in your future.

Ultimately, the decision to invest in a study guide for the CFP exam is a personal one that should take into account your budget, learning style, and exam preparation plan. While the cost may initially seem daunting, the benefits of using a study guide can ultimately outweigh the expense.

Time Commitment

Hey, are you ready to dedicate a significant amount of time to preparing for this challenging certification? The CFP exam is not a walk in the park, and it requires a considerable amount of time to study and understand the concepts. A study guide can help you achieve your goal of passing the exam, but it requires a significant time commitment from you.

When you invest in a study guide, you are investing in your future. The guide will provide you with the necessary information and tools to succeed, but it is up to you to put in the effort and time required. The table below provides an estimate of the time commitment required for studying for the CFP exam, based on the number of hours per week dedicated to studying and the number of weeks until the exam date.

Hours per week Weeks until exam Total hours
5 20 100
10 10 100
15 7 105
20 5 100
25 4 100

As you can see from the table, the more time you dedicate to studying each week, the fewer weeks you need to prepare for the exam. However, it is important to strike a balance between studying and other responsibilities in your life, such as work and family. Remember that a study guide is only effective if you use it consistently and commit to putting in the time and effort required to succeed.

Types of Study Guides

When it comes to choosing a study guide for the CFP exam, you have a few options to consider. Online resources are a great choice if you prefer a digital format and want access to a variety of study materials.

Printed materials, such as books and flashcards, may be a better fit for those who prefer a tangible study aid. Tutoring services can provide one-on-one support and personalized guidance, but may come at a higher cost.

Ultimately, the type of study guide you choose will depend on your learning style and budget.

Online Resources

Using online resources can be a great way to supplement your CFP exam study guide. These resources can provide additional practice questions, video lectures, and even forums where you can ask questions and get answers from other exam takers. Some popular online resources for the CFP exam include Kaplan Financial Education, Dalton Education, and the CFP Board’s own website.

One benefit of using online resources is the ability to customize your study plan. You can choose which topics to focus on, how much time to spend on each one, and even create a study schedule that fits your personal needs. Additionally, many online resources offer mobile apps, allowing you to study on the go. However, it’s important to remember that not all online resources are created equal. Be sure to research the credibility and reputation of any resource before relying on it heavily for your exam preparation.

Online Resource Cost Features
Kaplan Financial Education Varies Practice exams, video lectures, flashcards
Dalton Education $1,295 Live online classes, study materials, Q&A sessions
CFP Board Website $695 Study materials, practice exams, flashcards

Printed Materials

You’ll love the convenience and flexibility of having printed materials at your fingertips to help you prepare for the CFP exam. Not only do they allow you to study anytime, anywhere, but they also provide a tangible resource for you to highlight, underline, and take notes on.

Printed study guides, textbooks, and flashcards can be especially helpful for those who prefer a physical copy to read and reference during their study sessions. In addition, printed materials often have a more comprehensive and organized approach to studying compared to online resources.

They are typically structured in a logical order, with clear explanations and examples. This can be especially beneficial for those who need a more structured approach to their studying and prefer to follow a set curriculum. Overall, printed materials can be a valuable addition to your study plan and can help you feel more confident and prepared for the CFP exam.

Tutoring Services

If you want personalized guidance and support on your journey towards becoming a certified financial planner, consider utilizing tutoring services. These services provide one-on-one instruction and can help you focus on your specific weaknesses and areas of improvement.

Tutors can answer your questions, provide feedback on your practice exams, and offer study strategies that work for you. Tutoring services can also help you stay accountable and motivated throughout the studying process.

Your tutor will work with you to create a customized study plan and provide regular check-ins to ensure you are staying on track. This level of support can be especially helpful if you’re balancing work or other commitments while studying for the CFP exam.

Overall, investing in tutoring services can be a worthwhile investment in your future career as a financial planner.

Quality of Study Guides

When evaluating the quality of study guides for the CFP exam, it’s important to research reviews and ratings from other test takers. Look for guides with high ratings and positive feedback to ensure that you’re getting a helpful resource.

Additionally, consider the credentials of the author or authors to ensure that they have relevant experience and knowledge in the field. By taking these factors into account, you can find a study guide that will help you prepare effectively for the CFP exam.

Researching Reviews and Ratings

Discovering what others think about study guides for the CFP exam can give valuable insight into their effectiveness and worth. One of the best places to start your research is by reading reviews and ratings from people who have used the study guides before. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your research:

  • Check out multiple websites: Don’t just rely on one source for reviews and ratings. Look at multiple websites, such as Amazon, Reddit, and the CFP Board’s website to get a well-rounded understanding of what people are saying about the study guide.

  • Look for patterns: If multiple people are saying the same thing, pay attention to it. If a lot of people are praising the study guide for its comprehensive coverage of the exam topics, that’s a good sign. On the other hand, if many people are complaining about the guide being too difficult to understand, that’s something to consider as well.

  • Read both positive and negative reviews: Don’t just focus on the positive reviews. Take the time to read through the negative reviews as well. This will give you a more balanced perspective on the study guide’s strengths and weaknesses.

  • Consider the reviewer’s experience level: Keep in mind that different people have different backgrounds and levels of experience with the CFP exam. Make sure to take this into account when reading reviews and ratings, as someone who’s new to the field may have a different perspective than someone who’s been working in financial planning for years.

By taking the time to research reviews and ratings, you can make an informed decision about whether a study guide’s worth it for you.

Evaluating Author Credentials

To truly determine the credibility of a resource, you should evaluate the author’s credentials and experience in the field. When it comes to study guides for the CFP exam, it’s important to make sure that the author has the necessary qualifications and knowledge to provide valuable insights and information. Look for authors who hold the CFP designation themselves, as this indicates that they have gone through the rigorous exam and have a deep understanding of the topics covered.

In addition to the author’s credentials, it can also be helpful to look at their experience in the financial planning industry. Have they worked as a financial planner or advisor? Have they taught CFP courses before? These types of experiences can give the author a unique perspective and practical insights that can be valuable to someone studying for the CFP exam. To help evaluate an author’s credentials and experience, consider the following table:

Author CFP Designation Experience
John Smith Yes 10 years as a financial planner and CFP instructor
Jane Doe No 5 years as a financial planner, no teaching experience
Bob Johnson Yes 15 years as a financial planner, no teaching experience

By taking the time to evaluate the author’s credentials and experience, you can make a more informed decision about whether a study guide is worth investing in for the CFP exam. Remember, the more knowledgeable and experienced the author is, the more likely they are to provide valuable insights and information that can help you pass the exam.

Personal Learning Style

Understanding your personal learning style can greatly impact whether or not a study guide is worth investing in for the CFP exam. Some people learn best through visual aids, such as diagrams and illustrations, while others prefer hands-on activities or listening to lectures.

If you know that you learn best through reading and taking notes, then a study guide may be a valuable resource for you. However, if you know that you struggle with retaining information through reading alone, then investing in a study guide may not be worth it for you.

It’s important to consider your personal learning style when deciding whether or not to invest in a study guide for the CFP exam. If you’re someone who learns best through interactive activities and discussions, then a study group or online forum may be a better option for you. On the other hand, if you prefer to work independently and at your own pace, then a study guide may be a helpful tool for you.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to assess your learning style and determine which resources will be most effective in helping you prepare for the exam.

Other Exam Preparation Resources

Looking for additional resources to help you prepare for the CFP exam? There are plenty of other tools available to support your studies.

One popular option is review courses, which offer comprehensive study materials and practice exams. These courses are often taught by experienced CFP professionals and can be taken either in-person or online. While they can be costly, they may be worth the investment for those who want a structured, guided approach to studying.

Another option is study groups. Many aspiring CFPs form study groups to share knowledge, discuss difficult topics, and hold each other accountable. These groups can be found online or in-person and can be a great way to gain a deeper understanding of the material.

Remember, however, that study groups are only effective if members are committed to attending meetings and actively participating. It may take some effort to find the right group, but it can be a valuable resource for those who thrive in collaborative learning environments.

Making the Decision

When deciding whether or not to purchase a study guide for the CFP exam, it’s important to consider your personal learning style and available resources. Some individuals may find that a study guide is an essential tool for their preparation, while others may prefer to use alternative resources such as practice exams or online courses.

Ultimately, the decision to purchase a study guide should be based on your individual needs and preferences. Consider factors such as the amount of time you have to prepare for the exam, your budget for exam preparation materials, and your comfort level with the exam content.

Remember that the CFP exam is a rigorous and comprehensive test, and investing in quality study materials can help increase your chances of success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any free study guides available for the CFP exam?

Yes, there are free study guides available for the CFP exam.

Many websites offer free resources such as practice exams, flashcards, and study guides to help you prepare for the exam. However, it’s important to note that these free resources may not be as comprehensive as a paid study guide and may not cover all of the topics on the exam.

Additionally, a paid study guide may offer additional benefits such as personalized study plans and access to an instructor or tutor. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide if a paid study guide is worth the investment for your individual needs and study style.

How often should I use a study guide during my exam preparation?

When preparing for the CFP exam, it’s important to utilize a study guide to help you stay organized and focused on the material. Without a guide, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the amount of information you need to know and unsure of where to begin studying.

However, it’s not necessary to rely solely on a study guide. You should also incorporate other study methods, such as practice exams and flashcards, to ensure you have a well-rounded understanding of the material.

As for how often you should use a study guide, it really depends on your personal learning style and how familiar you are with the material. Some people may need to refer to the guide frequently, while others may only need it as a reference point.

The key is to find a study routine that works best for you and stick with it.

Are there any study guides that offer interactive learning or practice exams?

If you’re looking for a study guide that offers interactive learning or practice exams, there are plenty of options available to you. Many study guides now come with online resources that allow you to take practice quizzes, watch instructional videos, and interact with other students.

Some even have virtual simulations that allow you to practice real-life scenarios. These types of study guides can be especially helpful for those who prefer a more interactive approach to learning, or who want to get a better sense of what the actual exam will be like.

So if you’re looking for a study guide that will help you prepare for the CFP exam, be sure to look for one that offers these types of resources.

What are some common mistakes that candidates make when using study guides for the CFP exam?

When using study guides for the CFP exam, candidates can make several common mistakes that can hinder their preparation. One mistake is relying solely on the study guide and not utilizing other study materials such as practice exams or interactive learning tools.

Another mistake is not setting a study schedule and procrastinating until the last minute, which can lead to cramming and not retaining information effectively.

It’s also important to make sure the study guide is up-to-date with the latest exam content and changes.

Finally, rushing through the material and not taking the time to understand concepts thoroughly can also be detrimental.

By avoiding these mistakes and using study guides as a supplement to other study materials, candidates can increase their chances of success on the CFP exam.

How do I know if a study guide is right for my personal learning style?

To determine if a study guide is right for your personal learning style, you should first consider your preferred method of studying. Do you learn best through reading and taking notes? Or do you prefer more hands-on activities and interactive learning?

Once you have identified your learning style, research study guides that cater to your needs. Look for guides that offer a variety of study materials, such as practice questions and flashcards, and that are structured in a way that aligns with your learning style.

Additionally, read reviews and ask for recommendations from others who’ve used study guides for the same exam. Ultimately, the right study guide for you will be one that helps you effectively retain and apply the material in a way that suits your learning preferences.


Congratulations on taking the first step towards becoming a Certified Financial Planner! As you prepare for the CFP exam, you may be wondering whether a study guide is worth the investment of time and money.

After considering the benefits, costs, and your personal learning style, it ultimately comes down to making the decision that is right for you.

If you’re someone who benefits from structured study materials and wants to ensure you’re covering all the necessary topics, a study guide can be a valuable resource. However, if you prefer more flexible, self-directed learning or if the cost and time commitment of a study guide isn’t feasible for you, there are plenty of other exam preparation resources available.

Ultimately, the key to success on the CFP exam is finding the study method that works best for you and putting in the time and effort to prepare thoroughly. Good luck!

Picture of David D. Bickerstaff

David D. Bickerstaff

David worked in several conglomerated sized financial companies in the global markets, M&A and club loan product team. He is now an exam advisor in

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