The Ultimate Guide To Passing The Cfp Exam

Table of Contents

Are you ready to take the next step in your career as a financial planner? Passing the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) exam is a crucial milestone that can unlock new opportunities for professional growth and success. However, preparing for this rigorous exam can be a daunting task, especially if you are not familiar with the exam format and content.

That’s why we’ve put together the ultimate guide to passing the CFP exam, which will provide you with a step-by-step roadmap to help you prepare for and ace the exam. In this guide, you’ll learn how to develop an effective study plan, focus on key concepts, utilize practice exams, seek additional resources, manage exam day stress, apply test-taking strategies, and review results to plan your next steps.

Whether you are a seasoned financial planner or new to the field, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to pass the CFP exam with confidence. So, let’s dive in and get started on your journey to becoming a CFP professional!

Key Takeaways

  • Developing a personalized study plan is essential for passing the CFP exam, including identifying exam topics, setting a realistic timeline, creating a study routine, and tracking progress.
  • Focusing on key concepts and practicing with exams can help identify strengths and weaknesses and improve chances of success.
  • Utilizing additional resources such as online forums, study groups, and tutoring services can provide deeper understanding and personalized guidance.
  • Managing exam day stress through prioritizing sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, arriving early, and understanding the exam format and content is crucial for success.

Understand the Exam Format and Content

Let’s delve into the exam format and content so you know what to expect on test day.

The CFP exam consists of 170 multiple-choice questions that you must answer in 6 hours. The exam is split into two sessions, with a 40-minute break in between. You’re allowed to take a break during the exam, but the clock keeps running.

The exam content is divided into eight topics, including financial planning principles, insurance planning, investment planning, retirement savings and income planning, tax planning, estate planning, and professional conduct and regulation. Each topic comprises different subtopics.

You need to be well-versed in each of these topics to pass the exam. Make sure you understand the exam format and content before you start studying, as this’ll help you develop a study plan that covers all the relevant topics.

Develop a Study Plan

To create a personalized study plan for the certification test, start by breaking down the material into manageable sections. Here are some steps to guide you:

  • Identify the exam topics and subtopics: Make a list of all the subjects covered in the exam. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and prioritize your study time.

  • Set a realistic timeline: Determine the amount of time you have to study and create a schedule that works for you. Be sure to factor in breaks and rest days to avoid burnout.

  • Create a study routine: Establish a consistent routine that fits your lifestyle. This could mean studying for a set amount of time each day or week, or tackling one topic at a time.

  • Use study materials: Utilize study materials such as textbooks, online courses, and practice exams to reinforce your knowledge and test-taking skills.

  • Track your progress: Keep track of your progress by taking practice exams and reviewing your performance. This will help you identify areas that need more attention and adjust your study plan accordingly.

By following these steps, you can create a study plan that works for you and helps you achieve your goal of passing the CFP exam. Remember to stay focused, motivated, and consistent in your efforts. Good luck!

Focus on Key Concepts

Focusing on key concepts is essential for acing the certification test and boosting your chances of success. The exam covers a vast range of topics, and it’s impossible to memorize everything.

However, by focusing on the core concepts and understanding how they apply to real-life scenarios, you can increase your chances of passing the exam.

Start by identifying the essential topics and concepts covered in the exam. Read the CFP Board’s exam outline thoroughly and create a list of the key concepts and their subtopics.

Once you have a clear understanding of the exam’s scope and the essential concepts, you can prioritize your study plan and allocate more time to the critical areas.

Practice applying these concepts to real-life scenarios, as this will help you understand them better and retain the information.

By focusing on the key concepts, you’ll be able to tackle any question that comes your way and increase your chances of passing the CFP exam.

Utilize Practice Exams

One effective way to prepare for the test is by utilizing practice exams, which can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Here are four tips to make the most of practice exams:

  1. Take practice exams under timed conditions to simulate the real testing environment.

  2. Review the questions you got wrong and understand why you missed them.

  3. Take notes on the topics you struggle with and focus on them during your study sessions.

  4. Take a practice exam at the end of each study session to track your progress and identify areas that still need improvement.

By using practice exams as a tool in your study routine, you can gain confidence and feel more prepared for the actual exam.

Remember to take breaks and stay positive during your study sessions, as a clear mind and calm attitude can also contribute to your success.

Seek Additional Resources

You can expand your knowledge and increase your chances of success by seeking out additional resources, such as online forums, study groups, and tutoring services. These resources can provide you with a deeper understanding of the CFP exam material and help you identify areas where you need to focus your studies.

Online forums, such as the CFP Board’s Candidate Forum, can be a great way to connect with other candidates and get advice from those who’ve already passed the exam. Study groups can also be helpful. They allow you to work with others to review material, ask questions, and share study tips.

Additionally, tutoring services can provide you with one-on-one support and personalized guidance as you prepare for the exam. By taking advantage of these additional resources, you can increase your knowledge and confidence, and ultimately improve your chances of passing the CFP exam.

Manage Exam Day Stress

To manage exam day stress, you should prioritize getting enough sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, and arriving early.

By getting a good night’s sleep, you’ll be more alert and focused during the exam.

Eating a nutritious breakfast will give you the energy you need to power through the exam, while arriving early will help you feel calm and prepared.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for optimal brain function and retention of information, which is essential for passing the CFP exam. Here are four reasons why you should prioritize sleep leading up to exam day:

  1. Improved Memory: When you get enough sleep, your brain is able to consolidate and store information more effectively, making it easier to recall important concepts during the exam.

  2. Better Focus: Lack of sleep can lead to decreased focus and attention, making it difficult to stay engaged during the exam. Getting enough sleep ensures that your mind is sharp and alert.

  3. Reduced Anxiety: Sleep deprivation can increase feelings of anxiety and stress, which can be detrimental to your performance on the exam. Prioritizing sleep can help you feel more calm and focused on exam day.

  4. Increased Energy: A good night’s sleep can provide you with the energy you need to tackle the CFP exam with confidence and clarity. Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s rest!

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Start your day off right by fueling your body with a nutritious breakfast that will give you the energy and focus needed to tackle the challenges of exam day. Eating a healthy breakfast can help improve your cognitive function, memory, and overall mood, allowing you to stay alert and focused throughout the exam. Skipping breakfast or opting for a sugary, high-carb meal can lead to a crash later on, leaving you feeling sluggish and unfocused.

To help you make better breakfast choices, we’ve created a table to show you some healthy options that will keep you fueled and focused during the exam.

Food Why it’s a good choice
Oatmeal High in fiber and protein, slow-release energy
Eggs Protein and choline for memory and cognitive function
Greek yogurt High in protein and probiotics for gut health
Berries Antioxidants and vitamins for brain function and overall health

By choosing one of these healthy breakfast options, you can set yourself up for success on exam day. Remember, a little planning and preparation goes a long way towards achieving your goal of passing the CFP exam.

Arrive Early

Now that you’ve had a nutritious breakfast to fuel your brain, it’s time to talk about the importance of arriving early on the day of your CFP exam.

Arriving early gives you ample time to gather your thoughts, relax, and mentally prepare for the test ahead. Rushing in at the last minute can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety, which can negatively impact your performance.

Not only does arriving early help you mentally prepare, but it also gives you time to physically prepare. You can use this extra time to double-check that you have all the necessary materials, such as your identification and admission ticket, and ensure that you’re dressed appropriately for the exam.

Arriving early also allows you to familiarize yourself with the testing center, find your assigned seat, and settle in before the exam begins. Remember, arriving early is a simple but effective way to set yourself up for success on exam day.

Apply Test-Taking Strategies

When it comes to applying test-taking strategies for the CFP exam, there are three key points you need to keep in mind.

First, it’s important to read each question carefully to ensure you fully understand what’s being asked.

Second, pacing yourself is crucial. You want to ensure you have enough time to answer all the questions.

Finally, making educated guesses can help you eliminate incorrect answers and increase your chances of getting the question right.

Remembering these tips can help you stay focused and confident on exam day.

Read Questions Carefully

To ace the CFP exam, you need to pay close attention to the questions and avoid careless mistakes that could cost you points. One of the most common mistakes test-takers make is not reading the questions carefully. It’s easy to get caught up in the pressure of the exam and rush through the questions, but taking the time to read each question thoroughly can make a big difference in your score.

To help you avoid this mistake, here are some tips for reading questions carefully:

Tip Description
1 Read the question twice before answering.
2 Underline key words or phrases in the question.
3 Pay attention to words like "not"or "except"that can change the meaning of the question.
4 Look for clues in the question, such as dates or specific terms.
5 Don’t assume anything – read the question exactly as it is written.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you fully understand each question and avoid making careless mistakes. Remember, the CFP exam is designed to test your knowledge and skills, so taking the time to read each question carefully is essential to passing the exam.

Pace Yourself

Pacing yourself during the CFP exam is crucial, as it allows you to carefully consider each question and allocate your time wisely. Don’t rush through any section of the exam and make sure to keep track of the time so you can complete all questions within the allotted time.

To pace yourself effectively, it’s important to have a plan and stick to it. For example, you could aim to complete a certain number of questions within the first hour, and then adjust your pace accordingly for the remaining time.

Remember to take breaks as needed, but don’t waste too much time on any one question. By pacing yourself, you’ll feel more confident and in control throughout the exam, and increase your chances of passing.

Make Educated Guesses

Making educated guesses can help you eliminate unlikely answers and narrow down your choices, increasing your chances of selecting the correct answer. When you encounter a difficult question on the CFP exam, don’t panic.

Instead, use your knowledge and reasoning skills to eliminate any answer choices that are obviously incorrect. Then, use the following tips to make an educated guess:

  1. Look for key words or phrases in the question that can help you identify the correct answer.
  2. Consider the context of the question and how it relates to other concepts you’ve learned.
  3. Use the process of elimination to eliminate answer choices that are clearly incorrect, even if you’re not sure about the correct answer.

Remember, making an educated guess isn’t the same as blindly guessing. By using your knowledge and reasoning skills, you can eliminate unlikely answers and increase your chances of selecting the correct answer on the CFP exam.

Review Results and Plan Next Steps

Now that you’ve taken the CFP exam, it’s time to review your results and plan your next steps.

First, take a moment to celebrate your success and acknowledge the hard work you put into preparing for the exam.

Next, analyze any weaknesses you may have identified during the exam and plan for retakes if necessary.

Finally, develop a continuing education plan to ensure you stay up-to-date with industry trends and maintain your CFP certification.

Celebrate Success

Don’t forget to take a moment and acknowledge your hard work and dedication towards passing the CFP exam by celebrating your success.

You’ve spent countless hours studying and preparing for the exam, so make sure to take some time to pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Perhaps you can treat yourself to a nice dinner or a relaxing day at the spa. Whatever it may be, just make sure to take some time to celebrate this important milestone in your career.

At the same time, don’t let your celebration get in the way of your future goals. After your celebration, it’s time to start planning your next steps towards achieving your career aspirations.

This could include pursuing additional certifications, taking on new clients, or exploring new career opportunities. Remember that passing the CFP exam is just the beginning of your journey, and there’s always more to learn and achieve in the financial planning industry.

Analyze Weaknesses and Plan for Retakes

Once you’ve received your exam results, it’s important to assess your weaknesses and strategize for retaking the test if necessary. Start by analyzing your score report to identify areas where you struggled the most. Did you have difficulty with tax planning or estate planning? Did you struggle with the question format or time management?

Once you’ve pinpointed your weaknesses, you can create a study plan that specifically targets those areas. Here are three steps to help you plan for a retake:

  1. Set a realistic timeline: Give yourself enough time to study and improve your weaknesses without feeling overwhelmed.

  2. Create a study plan: Focus on the areas where you struggled the most and incorporate practice tests to gauge your progress.

  3. Seek help if needed: Consider working with a tutor or joining a study group to get additional support.

Remember, retaking the exam can be a valuable learning experience, and with the right approach, you can improve your score and pass the CFP exam.

Develop a Continuing Education Plan

You can take your financial advising skills to the next level by developing a personalized continuing education plan that will not only enhance your knowledge but also boost your confidence in the industry.

The Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Board requires CFP professionals to earn 30 hours of continuing education every two years to maintain their certification. However, it’s important to note that simply meeting the minimum requirement may not be enough to keep up with the constantly evolving financial industry.

To develop a successful continuing education plan, start by identifying your areas of interest and gaps in your knowledge. Consider attending industry conferences, taking online courses, or pursuing additional certifications such as a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.

Make sure to set specific goals and track your progress to ensure you are staying on track. By investing in your education, you are not only improving your skills as a financial advisor but also providing your clients with the best possible service.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many times can I take the CFP exam?

You can take the CFP exam as many times as you need to pass. There is no limit to the number of attempts you can make.

However, you’ll need to pay the exam fee each time you take the test. So, it’s best to prepare thoroughly and take the exam only when you feel confident in your knowledge and skills.

With enough preparation and focus, you can pass the CFP exam on your first attempt. But if you don’t, don’t worry, simply brush up on your weak areas and try again.

Good luck!

Can I use a calculator during the exam?

Yes, you’re allowed to use a calculator during the CFP exam. However, there are certain restrictions on the type of calculator you can bring. The calculator should be non-programmable and without any built-in financial or statistical functions.

You can bring a basic calculator, scientific calculator, or a financial calculator, but make sure it meets the exam guidelines. It’s advised to practice using the calculator beforehand to ensure you’re comfortable with its functions and operations, as it can save you valuable time during the exam.

Is there a time limit for completing the exam?

Yes, there’s a time limit for completing the CFP exam. You’ll have a total of 6 hours to complete the exam, broken up into two 3-hour sessions with a 40-minute break in between.

This means you need to manage your time effectively to answer all questions within the allotted time. It’s recommended you spend no more than 1.8 minutes per multiple-choice question and no more than 4.5 minutes per written-response question.

However, if you find yourself struggling with a particular question, it may be better to move on and come back to it later to ensure you have enough time to complete the entire exam.

How are the exam questions scored?

To answer your question, the CFP exam questions are scored based on the number of correct answers given. Each question is worth one point, and there’s no penalty for incorrect answers.

The total score is then calculated and converted to a scaled score ranging from 0 to 200. To pass the exam, you must achieve a scaled score of at least 70.

It’s important to note that the CFP Board uses a rigorous process to ensure the fairness and validity of the exam scoring. This includes the use of subject matter experts to review and validate exam questions, statistical analysis to ensure the exam is properly scaled, and ongoing monitoring of exam performance data to identify and address any potential issues.

Can I take the exam online or do I have to go to a testing center?

You can’t take the CFP exam online. You must go to a testing center to take the test. The CFP Board has specific testing centers located throughout the United States and internationally where you can take the exam.

You’ll need to schedule your exam in advance and bring proper identification with you to the testing center. The exam is only offered through the CFP Board and not through any other organization, so you’ll need to go through their process to take the exam.


Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end of the ultimate guide to passing the CFP exam! By following the tips outlined in this guide, you’ve set yourself up for success on exam day.

You’ve gained an understanding of the exam format and content, developed a study plan, focused on key concepts, utilized practice exams, sought additional resources, managed exam day stress, applied test-taking strategies, and reviewed your results.

Remember that passing the CFP exam is no easy feat, but it’s achievable with hard work, dedication, and proper preparation. Keep in mind that the journey to becoming a certified financial planner doesn’t end with passing the exam.

It’s a lifelong commitment to continuing education and growth. Use your success on the exam as a stepping stone to further your career and make a positive impact on your clients’ financial futures.

Best of luck to you on your journey!

Picture of David D. Bickerstaff

David D. Bickerstaff

David worked in several conglomerated sized financial companies in the global markets, M&A and club loan product team. He is now an exam advisor in

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